Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Day 9

I have dropped another .4lbs as of this morning.

Once I got home for lunch yesterday I jumped right into making myself something tasty.
I went with:
2 green apples
1 large handful of spinach
4 carrots
1 tea saucer full of assorted berries (blueberry, boysenberry, raspberry)

This is only the second time I have tried using the berries and I remembered how last time I couldn't taste them because I used an unpeeled orange in the mix.  This time I left the orange out altogether and I was very happy with what I ended up with.  I really want to get myself some acai berries for the health properties.  Technically we should all be eating more purple.  The color purple in fruit and vegetable signifies the presence of antioxidants and resveratrol, which is known to promote longevity.  I learned that from Alton Brown.  He's my celebrity man crush.  I would love to spend an afternoon picking his brain.

As my lunch hour was drawing to an end I was running a bit behind. I was the only one home and I couldn't leave without cleaning my juicer. As I was heading out the door to go back to work I almost forgot to grab another granola bar.  What I found in the cupboard put me into a high speed panic.  The Nature Valley Honey n' Oats Granola box was empty.  After some quick thinking on my part I grabbed a couple of handfuls of Honey Nut Cheerios and stuffed them into a zip lock sandwich bag and took them to work with me.  The Cheerios were a perfect little snack around two o'clock.  These would make a great substitute.  Honey Nut Cheerios are only 118 calories for a whole cup and the Nature Valley Honey n' Oats granola bars are 190 calories per package.  The only problem is that eating dry Cheerios has a tendency to shred the roof of my mouth.

I ended up exercising last night by playing Kinect Sports for 1-1/2 hours.  I know that playing an Xbox game doesn't seem like exercise, but the Kinect keeps track of how many calories you burn and I probably burned more than it claimed because I was intentionally hopping around between game rounds to keep moving.  The Kinect claims I burned 230 calories, and it was much more fun than just walking around my neighborhood and risk dealing with packs of stray chihuahuas and pitbulls ....have I ever mentioned that I live in a Spanish neighborhood?

For dinner I had another healthy boneless, skinless, chicken breast on a bed of spinach leaves.  This time I used ranch dressing again and I added 4 pepperoncini's and a half of an avacado.  I took a picture to liven up my blog a little.

Day 9

Apparently the weight is beginning to drop off again, which makes me happy.  I was starting to get a little disheartened for a few days there.

This morning I had my usual:
2 green apples
2 handfuls of spinach leaves
4 carrots

My taste buds have changed quite a bit since the beginning.  I am to the point now that I don't even notice the spinach and carrots in my drink.  It's almost as if I'm just having a tall glass of apple juice in the morning and I have always loved apple juice.

Today for lunch I will have to go with a different green because I used the last of my spinach this morning.  I still have some red chard I can use.  I will have to visit Costco tonight after work and bulk up on a little more of everything.  Maybe I'll get some Acai berries.  This diet is not proving to be cheap, but it's healthy.

I should take the time here to mention that during my first week I didn't have much energy and I had a pretty nasty headache all week.  This week my energy level is great.  I feel really energetic and there is no sign of that headache coming back from the lack of caffeine.  I haven't had a Monster Energy drink or any soda in over a week and I'm feeling really good.  I was just commenting to my girlfriend on Saturday as we were heading to the youth football games that normally I stop by the local liquor store on our way out of town to buy myself a Monster and this time I would only be stopping for gas.  It felt pretty good

Starting Weight: 254.6
 Current Weight: 247.8 - 
  5 day Total
  Weight Loss: 6.8lbs

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