Sunday, September 16, 2012

Day 7

This morning I jumped on the scale to find that I gained .6lbs.  I think the weekends are definitely going to slow me down a bit. It hard to stick to a strict regimen when your weekends are not regimented.

I stuck to my guns yesterday and had nothing to eat at the football games accept for the granola bars that I brought with me.

After spending the whole day at the ball field we were all starving. We drive past an In-n-Out Burger on our way home from this particular field and the kids begged to stop for dinner.

In-n-Out Burger isn't known for their health food, as most of you probably know, but as some of you may not know, they also have a secret menu. So my girlfriend and I had a single burger with onions "protein style", which means it comes wrapped in a lettuce leaf with no bun. We got the burger only (no fries) and drank 3 calorie light lemonade to wash it down. I felt a little guilty, but I looked up the calories when I got home and discovered they were only 240 calories, so I didn't feel so bad after that.

Later that night we had shopping to do. We had to replenish our depleted stock of produce. I was completely out of green apples and they have been a mainstay in nearly all of my concoctions, so off to the grocer we went to get supplies and a wee bit more free exercise.

We ended the evening relaxing at home and watching a Redbox movie that we rented at the store before the whole lot of us were snoring in our beds.

Day 7

This morning my Pleurisy seems to be drawing to an end. My ribs still hurt but not nearly as bad as earlier in the week. I figure the pain will be completely gone by Wednesday if I'm lucky.

Discovering this morning that I gain another .6lbs is a little frustrating, but as I said yesterday, my body has gone into preservation mode. Plus the protein burger probably didn't help any; I won't kid myself. Lastly, I haven't been able to compliment my diet with any form of exercise because of the rib pain from the Pleurisy. That's about to change.

Today we are going to my moms to celebrate her and my brother-in-law's birthdays. My mom has a large pool and I plan to swim some laps for exercise. Swimming is said to be the best calorie burner. We are going to be swimming and grilling with my sisters and their families, so we will be able to stick to our boneless, skinless, chicken breast with spinach leaves.

Before I get ahead of myself I should mention breakfast. This morning I made juice for my girlfriend and I. This time we felt like having some berries, so this is what I made:

4 green apples
1 orange, unpeeled
2 large handful of spinach leaves
8 large carrots
1 tea saucer full of assorted berries (blueberry, strawberry, raspberry)

It tasted great, but to be honest the berry flavor couldn't push through the unpeeled orange.

Since we are going over to my moms house a during the day today we are figuring on having the grilled chicken and spinach for lunch and juicing for dinner later this evening. We shall see how that goes.

Starting weight: 254.6
Current weight: 248.6 -
7 day total
Weight loss: 6lbs


  1. Is Lalanya having weight loss success as well? You certainly cannot be gaining weight on this diet so I'm gonna guess the .8 and .6 gains are water weight from the pickled pepperonicinis etc, and the burger, which is gonna happen.

  2. Lalanya has literally lost 2lbs per day since we started, except for this morning, in which she lost .5lbs
