Friday, September 21, 2012

Day 12

This mornings scale reading claims I gained another .6lbs.

This experiment has failed miserably.  I have decided to try a new diet.  I have discovered that going hungry nearly all of the time and only losing 6.8lbs in 12 days is not the results I was looking for.  I mean - I was the results I was looking for, but not the means.

I will be creating a new blog tomorrow to keep myself in check with my new diet.

I am going to continue to juice in the morning for breakfast, but a healthy lunch and dinner along with a vigorous workout at the gym each day is going to be my new game plan.  I actually started yesterday and it felt really good to get back in that gym and sweat.

Thanks for reading up to this point.  I'm sorry if I disappointed anyone with this blog.  I just can't see starving myself for such a small reward.  I'll bet the weight comes off faster by counting calories and hitting the gym.

Starting Weight: 254.6
 Current Weight: 247.8 - 
  11 day Total
  Weight Loss: 6.8lbs 

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