Friday, September 14, 2012

Day 5

I weighed myself again first thing this morning and lost another .6lbs.  I went from 247.8 on day 4 to 247.2 on day five.  Apparently I have, or I am, reaching that state where the body fights to hold onto the weight because it thinks something is wrong.  I got news for you body.  Something is wrong.  You weigh so much it's difficult to tie your shoes.  Snap out of it!

I went home for lunch again yesterday's and made a juice I'll never make again.  I'll explain after the following list of ingredients:
1 heirloom tomato
2 apples
6 green grapes
1 whole orange (with peel)

The acidity from the orange mixed with the heirloom tomato made a weird ketchup after-taste.  I realize that this mix was mostly fruit (or all fruit depending on your understanding of tomatoes), but after being tortured by the pain in my left lung all day I really didn't feel like torturing myself with a bitter/sour lunch juice. Plus I ran out of carrots.

On the plus side I definitely enjoyed having the heirloom tomato in the mix.  I will be adding tomatoes more often to my lunchtime concoctions. I'll just have to go easy on the acidic fruits.

Last night for dinner I had a boneless, skinless, chicken breast with a side of steamed broccoli.  I added nothing to the broccoli, such as butter or salt and I only seasoned the chicken to taste.  I've learned to enjoy broccoli in my older age.  It is one of the few veggies that I would eat on a regular basis as a side dish.

I went to bed not hungry but in dire pain from the lung infection.


Last night I got horrible sleep.  I could hardly move without my left lung waking me up from the pain.  I was grunting and groaning all night.

This morning I woke up feeling like I have a dagger stuck in my rib cage and it's hard to find a comfortable position to sit in where I can breath normally.  I have started a cycle of antibiotics, so it's just a matter of time before the infection passes.  Until then I will deal with the pain like a man grunting and groaning and, as my girlfriends young daughter says, sounding like we have a zombie in the house.  That girl cracks me up!

My girlfriend offered to make my juice for me this morning, but I have found that I enjoy making what I'm about to drink, plus I figured that moving around would help get my body accustomed to the pain I will be facing today at work.  I told her thank you, but no thank you, and explained why I thought I should make it myself.  She's an amazing woman.

So, this is what I created this morning:
2 apples
2 large handfuls of spinach leaves
4 large carrots (my baby did some grocery shopping last night.  I love her.)
1 orange (peeled)

This concoction I have discovered is the perfect morning juice for me.  It has just enough green and just enough sweet.  I really enjoyed my breakfast juice despite the fact that I'm in so much pain from the infection.

For lunch today I am going to try something outside of my comfort zone.  It will consist of all veggies with a wedge of cabbage and heirloom tomatoes is it's base.  My girlfriend made it for her lunch yesterday and said it basically tasted like a spicy V8.  She added Tapatio for flavor, but I'll skip the Tapatio sauce.  I'm not big on heat in my drink unless Vodka is involve.

So, this is my day 5 blog.  Tomorrow will be a bit more difficult.  My lady is the president of our local youth cheer organization, so every Saturday during football season we spend the entire day at the youth football games watching our Rookie, PeeWee, J.V, and Varsity cheer squads perform.  My (hopefully someday) step daughter cheers on the Varsity Squad and my (hopefully someday) step son coaches the Varsity Football Team's offensive line.  We are at the games for roughly 9 hours every Saturday, so juicing lunch will be impossible.  We will juice for breakfast, but lunch will be at the game, so we are brainstorming on what to bring (that we can sneak in) to eat that is healthy yet filling.  I guess you will find out on the day 7 blog.

Starting Weight: 254.6
Current Weight: 247.2 - 
  5 day Total
  Weight Loss: 7.4lbs

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