Thursday, September 13, 2012

Day 4

Just for the heck of it I decided to weigh myself again this morning.  I'm down another 2.2lbs, so now I weigh in at 247.8.  That was a nice surprise.  Maybe I'll just weigh in every day and begin my blog with my new weight.

It turns out that my estimate yesterday was incorrect.  The headache never dissipated, in fact I had it all through the night and into this morning.  As I write this it seems to have gone away, but only time will tell.

I drove home for lunch again yesterday and made a nice juice.  This experience is getting easier every day.  Yesterdays lunch juice consisted of:
2 apples
3 kale leaves
3 carrots
1 orange
1/2 lemon

It tasted pretty good.  I seem to be getting use to the green flavor from the various leafy greens.  Kale, when juiced, has a rather "fresh cut grass" kind of taste.  It's not gross.  It's just very green tastings.  Spinach leaves are still my favorite.

For dinner last night I had the usual boneless, skinless, chicken breast laid on a bed of spinach leaves, but this time I substituted the teriyaki sauce for a very small amount of Hidden Valley Ranch.  Let me tell you that drinking veggie juice for only 3 days now has drastically changed my taste buds because that ranch dressing tasted SUPER salty to me, and I have always been a big fan of ranch dressing.  Who hasn't?


This morning I woke up with an unusual pain.  I don't think it is diet related however.  My ribs on my left side are hurting nearly as bad as if I have a broken rib.  I have had lung infections a few times in my life and I have a pretty good guess that this is what the pain is.  Moving around knocks the air out of me and just typing this blog is making breathing uncomfortable.  But I'll deal with it.  I'm one of those unfortunate souls that doesn't have health insurance, so I won't be seeing any doctors any time soon. ...and for the record: I am a non-smoker and my lady is also.  I don't have friends that smoke around me and I work in a clean, non-polluted air, office.  I have allergies and I live in Central California where they are currently harvesting almonds all around my little town, so I'm chalking it up to that.

This mornings juice turned out way sweeter than I was ready for.  I drank it, but actually found it a little too sweet to really enjoy.  Had you asked me about it 5 days ago I would have told you that there is no such thing as "too sweet", but apparently things are changing.

For my breakfast juice I had:
2 apples
1 handful of loose purple grapes
4 carrots
1 large handful of spinach leaves
4 sprigs of mint

The only thing new that I tried in this mornings juice was the grapes.  A few purple grapes seem to go a long way, so I found a perfect natural juice sweetener.  I just have to go easy on how many I use.

So, this is my blog for day 4.  This diet is getting much easier as the days pass.  I'm still having a little Nature Valley Oats n' Honey granola bar between juices.  I seem to get hungry roughly 2-3 hours after my juice, but believe it or not those little granola bars hold me over for another two hours before my next meal.  My current schedule is: 6:30am - juice, 10:00am - granola, 12:10 - Juice, 2:30 granola, ...and dinner whenever we get around to making it.

From this day forward the following weight loss/gain will be my blog signature:

Starting Weight: 254.6
Current Weight: 247.8 - 
  4 day Total
  Weight Loss: 6.8lbs


  1. I want you to weigh in every morning and post your weight loss for that day. :)
