Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Day 10

I'm 1/3 of the way in now and this morning I got angry after weighing myself.  I have gained another .6lbs.  At this rate I will barely loose 18lbs by the end of 30 days.  Time to reevaluate this diet. (Read below)

For lunch yesterday I had less greens at home than I thought I did, so this is what I created:

3 green apples
2 kale leaves
4 carrots
1 heaping tea saucer of assorted berries (blue berry, black berry, boysenberry)

This one came out real sweet.  I have come to prefer a little more green in my drinks by now, but I had to use what I had.

I spoke with one of the vendors that I deal with at work on a regular basis and he informed me that he was looking for a weight loss program that he and his wife could get into.  He is 71-years-old and is wanting to loose a little belly fat.  I informed him of my current attempt and how it's going.  He could tell that I was very excited to share my story and I believe my enthusiasm passed on to him.  He wrote down the name and the price of the juicer I purchased from Costco and told me that he was going to give it a try.  I told him about this blog and I sent him a link via email.  I warned him about the early detox side effects such as headaches and possible lethargy, but he saw how much energy I have now on week two, so the early side effects didn't phase him.  I hope he and his wife have success.  I told him to keep my updated.

For dinner I had my usual boneless, skinless, chicken breast on a bed of spinach leaves with light ranch dressing for flavor.

I spent a great portion of the evening playing Kinect Sports with my girlfriends young daughter.  I forgot to keep track of the calories burned.  I only remember the calorie count from our last game of baseball on the Kinect, which was 110 calories burned.

Day 10

I'm not going to lie.  After I weighed myself this morning I was pissed off.  I feel great, energy wise, but I have been going hungry a lot and to see my weight keep going up and down (with bigger ups than downs lately) is beyond frustrating.  My girlfriend pointed out the fact that the juices we have for lunch and breakfast are a bit larger than what we saw on "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead", and she's right.  In the documentary they were drinking there juice from regular 12oz. drinking glasses and we have been drinking our juice from the larger 17oz. glasses.  It's time to dial down.

I started researching calorie counts in raw vegetable juice this morning and after a little math discovered that I have basically been consuming almost 600 calories for breakfast alone, and another 600+ for lunch.  Count in dinner and my granola snacks with breakfast and lunch and I am going way over my daily calorie intake for the day.

According to health science professionals the average persons daily calorie intake should not exceed 2000 per day.  In order for a male of my size to lose weight at a rate of at least 2lbs per week, my calorie intake should not exceed 1600 per day.  I have been drinking nearly 1300 before dinner, and that is not counting my snacks between juices (which equal 380 alone).

I'm not even going to discuss breakfast this morning because, lets just say, we went WAY over.  We used more oranges than usual and it turns out that oranges are about 112 calories each.

For lunch today I will use less fruit and more veggies.  The hard part about this is that the stuff that has the least calorie count, i.e. spinach, takes a huge dry bulk to make a little liquid and the best veggie, calorie wise, which makes a lot of juice with little dry bulk tastes disgusting to me ....celery.  I printed myself a calorie list of all of the ingredients I bought, which is a lot (see my refrigerator pic below)

On a side note:  I was right earlier in the week when I said that by Wednesday I believed that my Pleurisy will be gone.  Today is Wednesday and I feel zero pain from the previously infected lung.  Not even a little ache if I bend to my left, so not everything is all storm clouds and thunder bolts.  I'm happy that I feel good :)

So today at lunch time I will be rethinking this diet.  Smaller 12oz portions of more vegetables, less fruit.  That is the key.  I got too comfortable and was worrying about taste, when we all know that "good taste" seems to equal "bad for you".  It sucks, but it's kind of a basic truth.  I'll just have to convince my taste buds to go green.  No pain, no gain.

Starting Weight: 254.6
 Current Weight: 248.4 - 
  10 day Total
  Weight Loss: 6.2lbs

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