Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Day 2

I have to rectify one of the things that I stated in yesterday's blog.  I weighed myself last night and discovered that I was quite away off on my weight estimate.  I wrote that I am 265, when I am in fact at 254.6.  I'm not sure yet how I am going to do my weight.  I was thinking that I would record it every other day.

Yesterday when I had my lunch and I learned something valuable.  I don't do celery.  I tried mixing up a new concoction consisting of:
1 apples
1 handful of spinach leaves
1 bunch of celery
3 carrots
Assorted berries (blue berry, blackberry, strawberry) to attempt to kill the celery flavor since I don't like celery at all.

It didn't work.

I juiced an orange and mixed that into the blend hoping it would kill the celery flavor.  It knocked the celery flavor down a few notches, but I could still taste it.  I didn't wuss out though.  I still drank the entire large glass of juice and just told myself that celery is now off of the ingredients list for the remaining 29 days.

I had to veer off track when it came to dinner.  Since it was day 1 and my body hasn't grown accustom to going with out solids, I decided to have a light dinner.  I had a single boneless, skinless, chicken breast and I laid it on a bed of spinach leaves.  I put just a hint of teriyaki sauce on top to flavor the chicken and give the spinach leaves a little dressing.  I went to bed around 11:30 (After the Chargers game) feeling great.


This morning I decided to go with something a bit sweeter for breakfast, so this morning juice consisted of:
2 green apples
2 handfuls of spinach leaves
4 large carrots
5 strawberries
1 unpeeled orange

I really enjoyed breakfast.  The juice was still a strange green concoction, but it tasted rather nice.  I'll probably stick to the sweeter juices for my breakfasts from here on out.

Today for lunch I will go with something with a little more roughage and a little less fruit.  I'm thinking some sort of kale, spinach, carrot, apple mix.  I'll make it up as I go along.

For dinner I plan to do chicken breast on a bed of spinach leaves again.  Until I can get my body adjusted to the juices I figure that one small dinner will still keep my weight dropping.  Eventually I plan to drop solids all together.  I am thinking a week should get my body prepared.


I'm okay.  I'll admit that for some reason I was more tired than usual when I got home from work last night, but that could be chalked up to anything from me not sleeping good enough the night before or just the fact that I need sleep.  However, the tiredness is the reason I decided to go with a small dinner instead of juice.

I have read that some of the people that go on this diet become a bit lethargic at first. I have also read that most develop diarrhea, and I've been dreading that part, but so far the diet hasn't effected me in the bathroom.  I am only on day 2 though.  Maybe the small dinner will keep everything solid.

Energy wise I don't feel any different.  I'm a naturally hyper person, so I've never really had trouble with not having enough energy.  If this diet effects my energy levels by dropping them, then I will definitely know that something isn't right.

So here is my blog for day 2.  So far, so good.

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